Please mark your calendar for the 24th ESPD Congress to be held in Brussels, Belgium in 29 - 31 May 2025.

Welcome to the 24th ESPD Congress

Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,

On behalf of the ESPD, the Belgian Pediatric Dermatology Association (BPDA) and the Belgian Society for Pediatric Dermatology (BSPD), it is a great pleasure for us to welcome you as the presidents of the 24th ESPD Congress.

We are proud to introduce Brussels as the hosting city. Brussels’ central location, excellent hosting facilities, non-stop flights from most European cities and a magnificent congress venue make it a most convenient location for the ESPD congress.

The mixture of historic and modern buildings, art and architecture, history, and gastronomy with a bourgondic kitchen, but also with beer and chocolate, make it a top destination in Europe.

On top of that we have developed a great scientific program with the involvement of experts and rising stars in pediatric dermatology, including dermatologists, pediatricians and other scientists from Belgium, Europe, and outside Europe. The scientific programme will run in two parallel sessions and will cover a variety of topics including the latest news on more fundamental research as well as tips for daily clinical practice.

The Congress is also an opportunity to interact in person with friends and colleagues, and our social programme will for sure make this meeting an unforgettable one. We are convinced that you will take back home wonderful memories of Brussels.

Thank you for joining us and welcome again,

Dirk Van Gysel & Sherief Janmohamed
24th ESPD Congress Presidents 




Address for official postal correspondence:

ESPD Office
c/o C-IN
5. kvetna 65, Prague Congress Centre
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic

Registered at:

1 Place de l'Hôpital
670 91 Strasbourg CEDEX


Office phone & fax numbers

Tel: +420 296 219 620


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