Not a member of ESPD yet? Join us today! You can now start the membership* at any time of the year as with the ESPD, the membership duration is 12 months and not a calendar year.
Here is how you proceed:
Fill in the online Membership Request form
Provide the requested documents (CV in English; copy of your ID/passport; copies of your certificate(s)/diploma(s))
(for applying Residents/Fellows also a confirmation from the supervisor)
Wait for the approval by the ESPD Executive Board
Pay your member dues
*ESPD Memberships are regulated by the ESPD Membership Terms and Conditions.
1. Fill in the online Membership Request form
If you haven’t been an ESPD member in the past and this is your first time applying for a membership, please use the „join ESPD today“ button at the right-hand side menu (if you have been an ESPD member in the past 3 years, please use the „Renew your membership“ button instead).
The system will ask you to create an account first – don’t worry, it will only take a few minutes of your time – before you can complete the online form. Please make sure you put down you details correctly (namely your e-mail address…).
2. Provide the requested documents
Important part of your application is also providing the requested documents confirming your status (these documents will be checked internally within the ESPD). The documents need to be uploaded directly while filling in the online form, therefore make sure you have them ready beforehand.
Please note that in case the documents are not provided, your application is considered incomplete and therefore cannot be taken into account. ESPD requires the following documents:
CV in English
Copy of your ID/passport
Copy of medical certificate(s)/diploma(s) or relevant healthcare professional certificate/diploma
Residents/Fellows need to upload in addition also the document confirming their status - signed by their supervisor or the head of the department.
Applications for Allied Healthcare Professional membership should be supported by a letter of recommendation from a medical (ordinary) member of the ESPD.
3. Wait for the approval by the ESPD Executive Board
Each application judged complete (with the details needed and documents uploaded) will be reviewed by the ESPD Executive Board – please allow up to 2 weeks for such reviewing – and if found suitable, the adhering member will be approved and notified via e-mail. Due to the current Board of Directors election no application will be approved until 16th of April.
4. Pay your member dues
Together with the official notification, you will equally receive the link to the Membership Payment form and all the necessary information. Kindly note that your membership is not valid until fully paid – membership always starts at the beginning of the respective month, during which the online application has been submitted. In practice, if you submit the online application on 25 November, your membership will be valid for the period of 1st November of the current year until 31st October of the consecutive year.