ESPD guidelines on the use of photographs during presentations

All responsibility for the presentation of pictures in ESPD congresses will rest with the speaker.  In general eyes and genitalia should be blurred/covered unless they need to be seen for educational purposes to demonstrate the skin in those areas.  Full-body photographs including the face should be avoided unless necessary for educational purposes.

Pictures used during presentations should all fall into one of the following categories: 

  • Published photographs - where these are used please ensure you put the reference of the paper on the same slide as the photograph. We would encourage speakers to use published photos as much as possible. 
  • Internet photographs - where these are used please check the regulations for reuse for each picture and comply with the restrictions - for example, the website may need to be referenced on the slide. 
  • Speakers' own photographs - please make sure you have consent not only for face-to-face presenting but also for presenting and sharing online and in recordings.  

Contact us at if you have any questions or doubts.



Address for official postal correspondence:

ESPD Office
c/o C-IN
5. kvetna 65, Prague Congress Centre
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic

Registered at:

1 Place de l'Hôpital
670 91 Strasbourg CEDEX


Office phone & fax numbers

Tel: +420 296 219 620


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