Friday, 5 May 2023
12:55 - 13:55 CEST
Early Intervention in Children with Atopic Dermatitis: A Window of Opportunity?
Session Outline
- Explore the disease burden and life-long impact in children with uncontrolled atopic dermatitis (AD)
- Discuss the importance of targeting type 2 inflammation in childhood, with a focus on skin barrier normalization, and implications for disease course modification
- Review emerging clinical and real-world data supporting early intervention in reducing the life-long impact of AD
Welcome - Michael J. Cork (Chair)
Beyond the Signs and Symptoms: The Developmental Burden of Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in Children - Pablo Coto Segura
Targeting Type 2 Inflammation: Skin Barrier Normalization - Michael J. Cork
Early Intervention in AD: Latest Clinical and Real-world Data - Michele Ramien
Closing polling questions (5 mins), Roundtable discussion / Q&A (10 mins)

MAT-GLB-2205269 V4 03/2023