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All lectures will be streamed online, recorded, and made available in on-demand sessions (for 2 months after the congress) and therefore, all speakers are kindly asked to prepare their presentations with care for online viewing, including respective consent on text and photo usage. Please check USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS in the menu to consult guidance on the use of photographs during presentations prepared by ESPD.
English is the official language of the congress. The presenting authors are entirely responsible for the presentation content, they should omit any type of advertisement and they are expected to include their potential and actual conflict of interest on the second slide of their presentation.
Time reserved for a scientific presentation is:
The preferred presentation format is a Powerpoint file (*.pptx) with a 16:9 aspect ratio. However, you can also bring a video file, pdf file, Powerpoint in 4:3 aspect ratio or you don´t have to bring a presentation at all. Even if you won´t have a presentation, please notify the staff at the Speakers´ preview room about it.
Please note, that you cannot use your own computer to present due to the complexity of the streaming setup.
In order to give a presentation, you need to deliver your files to the Speakers’ Preview Room at least two hours before the session. In the preview room, AV technicians will check the presentation setting, videos, fonts, or similar and they´ll assist with possible issues.
Your presentation will be automatically available in the corresponding lecture room.
Speakers’ Preview Room Opening Hours:
All speakers are requested to be present in the session room about 10 minutes before the session starts to meet with the session chair.
Once the presentation is launched on the computer in the respective lecture room, you will advance your own slideshow using the remote controller.
If any problems occur, there will be assisting staff in each lecture room.
If you cannot attend personally, please notify us at your earliest convenience.
Address for official postal correspondence:
ESPD Office
c/o C-IN
5. kvetna 65, Prague Congress Centre
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Registered at:
1 Place de l'Hôpital
670 91 Strasbourg CEDEX
Office email address
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