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All ESPD 2021 lectures will be pre-recorded and streamed during the event with a live chair introduction and live Q&As. Speakers are kindly asked to join the live stream before their session and stay available online for questions.
Talks are pre-recorded and streamed during the event with a live chair introduction and Q&A.
Speakers and Chairs join the stream via Zoom before their session and are guided by technical support. They stay available online for questions.
Questions asked via live chat-based text, handled by Chairs, Speakers to respond via the video stream. Briefing sessions via Zoom will organized as per below.
If you have not yet booked your pre-recording slot, please contact us at
Once you booked your slot, the system will automatically send you a calendar invite and a Zoom link to join one of the technicians from Venue AV to record your talk. The slots are long enough to allow time for re-recording and revisions.
During the pre-recording of your talk you will screen-share your PPT/ PDF presentation, therefore please have a final version of your presentation for the pre-recording.
Preferred presentation aspect ratio: 16:9
Deadline for final presentation: the recording day selected
The presentation content will be available online to all registered delegates during the live meeting and after the meeting for 1 month. Please prepare your PPT/PDF with respect to this (possibly avoid sensitive photos) and make sure you have consent to publish online all information included.
Speakers and Chairs Briefing sessions with the Venue AV technician:
4 May 14:00 - 15:00 BST/ 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
5 May 10:00 - 11:00 BST/ 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
Demonstration of the portal, how the pre-records, live streams and Q&As will work.
Link to Zoom will be sent closer to the briefing.
Contact us at if you have any questions or doubts.
The posters are available online during the meeting and for 1 month afterwards. No specific poster sessions are held, and authors do not need to be present during any particular time.
Delegates can ask questions via a poster chat box on the poster page. If the person asking a question uses an @mention, the system will send the author an email to notify them of the question.
Authors will be able to monitor & actively contribute to the specific poster discussion during the Meeting (and within the following month).
Poster (mandatory)
File type: PDF
Format: 1 page, A1, portrait orientation
Template: template
File name: Poster_Surname
Maximum size: 8 megabites
Submission deadline: 19 April 2021
Video presentation (optional)
File type: .mp4 or H.264
Lenght: 2 minutes maximum
Resolution: 540p minimum / 1080p max
File name: Video_Surname
How to record: Using PowerPoint
The poster (and video) content will be available online to all registered delegates during the live meeting and after the meeting for 1 month. Please prepare your PPT/PDF with respect to this (possibly avoid sensitive photos) and make sure you have consent to publish online all information included.
If you are preparing a video as well (2 min max), the files need to be uploaded both at the same time.
Upload your files here (section "Upload Your Poster").
Deadline: Monday, 19 April 2021
Contact us at if you have any questions or doubts.
Address for official postal correspondence:
ESPD Office
c/o C-IN
5. kvetna 65, Prague Congress Centre
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Registered at:
1 Place de l'Hôpital
670 91 Strasbourg CEDEX
Office email address
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